Monday, January 24, 2011

Valentine's day printables

I had so many Valentine printables running through my head this year, but somehow they didn't all turn out quite how I had envisioned. I'm definitely better more comfortable with paper designs rather than computer ones! Something to work on in my spare time, which at my current pace, could be a few years from now! BUT that's ok, because right here, right now, it's all about loving my kids and family, and that's just fine with me. Just a few hours apart from my duaghter today, and I couldn't stop hugging her when I got home.

That's what this printable is all about. Find love (kids, husband/wife, family) and hold them tight. Hug them lots- you'll never be sorry that you gave out too many hugs.

(To save file click on the picture to enlarge it. Then click on it again and right click and save the file.) Let me know if you use this file- I'd love to see what it looks like in your space.

Linking up with  It's Fun to Craft, Fingerprints on the FridgeIt's a Hodge Podge LifeA Few of my Favorite Things, I heart naptime & Support Blog for Moms of BOYS & C.R.A.F.T. & Making the World Cuter


  1. This is super cute - thank you for sharing! :)

  2. This is so classicly beautiful! I love it!

  3. This is adorable! Thank you for sharing! :)

  4. How adorable, I am loving all these printables going around. Thank you!

  5. Thank you! {I love it}! Found you from Made By You Mondays and am a new follower :)


  6. Lovely! Thanks very much.

  7. So sweet! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!


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