Showing posts with label allthingsforsale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label allthingsforsale. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

St. Patrick's day lunches

 It's March break here now!! Claire's so excited to have a whole week off of school. I made a few of these lunches the week before March break. I have a special one planned for St. Patrick's Day for Claire. All of these lunches are pretty straightforward. All of her sandwiches are made with WowButter (they're not allowed to take peanut products to school.)

I used some shamrock cookie cutters to make shamrock sandwiches. I added some green grapes and strawberries. As a treat I added in a few chocolates. I ordered a few things from All Things For Sale a little while ago. It was hard to contain myself on that site. There are so many fun things! I ordered some St. Patrick's Day picks, and added one into each of these lunches.

 Ha. Now this lunch didn't quite turn out as I had pictured it in my head. For some reason St. Patrick's Day stuff is so hard to find this year. I searched all over Halifax for a small shamrock cookie cutter and couldn't find one anywhere. The one that I used above is actually an apple that I used upside down (not that it looks much like an apple either!) I filled the cut out with some chocolate sprinkles. I added an applesauce, clementine and some more green grapes. And of course another one of my new picks.

 I used a medium sized cookie cutter and cut  three hearts out of 1 sandwich. There was a tiny bit leftover to make the stem of the shamrock. Blueberries and strawberries and a little shamrock ring finished off this lunch.

 I cut the sandwich into three slices (like the Irish flag), not that it was noticed by Claire! I skewered some grapes and added a clementine and blueberries. I used one of my new picks and a little leprechaun ring.

Love these lunch boxes? I sure do. You can check them out here: EasyLunch Boxes. They make packing lunches so easy!

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