Showing posts with label bento box. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bento box. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Easter lunches

My kids are getting so excited for Easter. At six years old I'm surprised that Claire has already figured out that I'm the Easter Bunny, but she still expects a little egg hunt this year! I've made a few Easter lunches for Claire which she has really been enjoying.

I made a Wowbutter sandwich on some oatmeal brown bread that I made. I added an Easter sticker to the top of her applesauce, a bunny ring to her container of grapes and some Annie's bunny crackers for a snack.

I picked up this new bunny cutter this year at Target (love that Target's in Canada now!) complete with a bunny tail. I added in a few grapes and bunny pick, some sugar cookies we made and a green apple.

More Wowbutter sandwiches cut into small flowers. An apple, some blueberries and a few chocolate Easter eggs in a pink plastic egg.

 This was her favorite lunch! The plastic eggs were filled with strawberries, blueberries, grapes and Annie's crackers. I cut her sandwich into small pieces and added them in the smaller compartments. I put a few chocolate eggs in there as well.

I used a heart shaped cookie cutter to make the bunny sandwich. Grapes, blueberries and strawberries were added to the lunch as well. I took the label off her Yop and drew a little bunny face on it. Drawing's not really my strong point :)

These lunches, along with all of my other ones, are packed in the fabulous EasyLunch Box containers that we love.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

St. Patrick's day lunches

 It's March break here now!! Claire's so excited to have a whole week off of school. I made a few of these lunches the week before March break. I have a special one planned for St. Patrick's Day for Claire. All of these lunches are pretty straightforward. All of her sandwiches are made with WowButter (they're not allowed to take peanut products to school.)

I used some shamrock cookie cutters to make shamrock sandwiches. I added some green grapes and strawberries. As a treat I added in a few chocolates. I ordered a few things from All Things For Sale a little while ago. It was hard to contain myself on that site. There are so many fun things! I ordered some St. Patrick's Day picks, and added one into each of these lunches.

 Ha. Now this lunch didn't quite turn out as I had pictured it in my head. For some reason St. Patrick's Day stuff is so hard to find this year. I searched all over Halifax for a small shamrock cookie cutter and couldn't find one anywhere. The one that I used above is actually an apple that I used upside down (not that it looks much like an apple either!) I filled the cut out with some chocolate sprinkles. I added an applesauce, clementine and some more green grapes. And of course another one of my new picks.

 I used a medium sized cookie cutter and cut  three hearts out of 1 sandwich. There was a tiny bit leftover to make the stem of the shamrock. Blueberries and strawberries and a little shamrock ring finished off this lunch.

 I cut the sandwich into three slices (like the Irish flag), not that it was noticed by Claire! I skewered some grapes and added a clementine and blueberries. I used one of my new picks and a little leprechaun ring.

Love these lunch boxes? I sure do. You can check them out here: EasyLunch Boxes. They make packing lunches so easy!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

valentine lunches

I love making valentines lunches. Oh wait, I just love packing lunches in general. All of these are packed in my EasyLunch Box containers. They make packing lunch SO easy.

 I cut Claire's sandwich into two hearts using a sandwich cutter that I picked up at the grocery store. I added a few pretzels to the top of the sandwiches. I skewered some blueberries on heart (cocktail) skewers. I added a few grapes to a silicone cup and added some heart shaped strawberries.

 I used a penguin cutter to cut Claire's sandwich into penguins. I added a heart sprinkle to each penguin. Using a heart silicone container I gave Claire some blueberries and grapes.

 Claire was asking me to add some sprinkles to her lunch, so I cut off the crusts of her sandwich and used a small heart cookie cutter to cut a heart out of one piece of bread. I made the sandwich using WOWbutter. After I put the sandwich together I added some chocolate sprinkles through the heart piece. I packed some more blueberries in a silicone cup and added in a few chocolate chip cookies for a snack. I also added in an applesauce.
I cut her sandwich in the shape of a heart, as well as the apples :) I used a bit of washi tape to make a little skewer flag for her cup of blueberries.

Linked up with: Tatertots and Jello, Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons, Six Sisters, Skip to my Lou

Monday, November 25, 2013

Winter lunches

 I love Christmas time. I'm so excited to be making new winter/Christmas themed lunches. I just wish it wasn't so cold here! My hands still haven't warmed up after dropping Claire off at school.

About a year ago I had picked up this penquin sandwich cutter at Walmart. It's nice because if you're using square bread it just cuts the crusts off, which Claire doesn't care to eat anyway. I skewered a few blueberries, added a clementine and some chocolate goldfish to her lunch. I added a snowflake pick that I bought at the dollar store, of all places.

 I used my Wilton tree cookie cutter to cut out Claire's sandwich. I gave her some grapes, blueberries, and a few M&M's. I also added in a banana for her snack.

 I used a Wilton cupcake topper to make this lunch. I just cut the sandwich into a circle and placed the snowman on top of the sandwich. I skewered a few more blueberries and added a chocolate chip muffin. I also sliced some green and red apples for her snack.

Lastly I gave Claire a snowflake sandwich. I skewered a few grapes on picks that I bought at the dollar store. I gave her some blueberries and an applesauce ( I added a few stickers to the top to make it a bit more festive).

These are all packed in my favorite Easy Lunch Box containers. They make lunch packing so easy. The only hard part is making sure that Claire and her friend Madison have the same colour lid :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

reindeer sandwiches 4 ways

 I, much like both of my kids, am so excited for Christmas. I've started packing Christmas lunches already (you know, since we celebrate Thanksgiving in October). Last week was my first week making Christmas lunches, and I decided to start with Reindeer ones :)

 For my first one, I used a gingerbread cookie cutter and turned it upside down to make a reindeer. (Thanks for the idea, Martha!) I melted a few chocolate chips and piped the antlers right onto the sandwich. Then I
made my usual marshmallow cut in half with a chocolate chip for the eyes and a red smartie for the nose. I also packed some gingerbread muffins a clementine, and an applesauce (not pictured, obviously.)

 I used the same techniques on this one, I just used a star cookie cutter. I also included a clementine (my kids can't get enough of these), some red and green grapes and some red jello that I made right in the container.

 This one was so simple, it might be my favorite one! I used a large circle cookie cutter to cut out the sandwich. I used pretzel letter E's for the antlers. I cut up some strawberries and sent Claire with another clementine and an applesauce.

 I love this reindeer pick. It was from a pack of cupcakes that I picked up last Christmas season.

 I used a heart cookie cutter and turned it upside down as well. I packed some red and green goldfish crackers, some grapes and a few marshmallows for a treat (it was Friday after all!)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween lunches part 4

 I'm almost done making Halloween lunches and it's a good thing as I'm just about out of ideas :) I can't wait to start making Christmas/winter ones!

 I'd seen this idea on Pinterest, but I have no idea who thought of it first. To make this one I had to keep the fake teeth wedged in my spice rack for a few days so that they didn't burst out of the sandwich. When I made the sandwich, I just cut a hole in the sandwich and placed the teeth in the hole. I added some grapes, strawberries and apples to Claire's lunch.

 This was my attempt at a skull sandwich. Sometimes these things turn out so much better in my head than in actual execution. I used a piece of a fruit chew for his mouth and marshmallow eyes. I skewered some grapes, added in some blueberries (and my ghost cut out of a milk carton), and a chocolate chip cookie.

 I decorated a yogurt drink again for Claire's snack. We had made pizza for supper the night before and I rolled out the extra dough, cut out some pumpkins and baked them. I included those in Claire's lunch with some shredded cheese and peperoni. She also had some clementines, grapes, and a few smarties.

I think that this lunch was Claire's favorite one. I included a gingerbread waffle and a little bit of syrup for her to dip them in. I skewered a few grapes, and added in a few blueberries and strawberries.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

halloween lunches part 3

Claire had a short school week last week because of the Thanksgiving holiday, so she only had four lunches last week. I didn't realize how similar the lunches looked until I saw them all together here! I might have to start packing her lunches the day before. It's so dark here in the mornings, it's hard to get good light to photograph them. It also speeds things along in the morning if I don't have to worry about packing her lunch as well.

See previous weeks lunches here and here. Thanks to everyone who pinned my lunches from last week. It was exciting to see them pinned so many times in just 1 week!
This was one of those mornings where I was quite rushed packing her lunch! I cut her sandwich into a circle, and cut some ghosts out of a fruit chew to decorate her sandwich. I added in some strawberries, raisins, and an applesauce.

I started by cutting Claire's sandwich into stars. I have nesting star cookie cutters, so I picked out a few sizes for the sandwich. She also had some tortilla chips and clementines. The blueberries were skewered on the skull picks that I bought from Target. I made Rice Krispie squares in a mini muffin tin to include in her lunch. I made half a batch of the Rice Krispie squares, and after I greased the pan, I shook in a few halloween coloured sprinkles. Then I smooshed in the Rice Krispie bits.

Claire really like this lunch. There was a sandwich cut in the shape of a pumpkin, with grapes and an apple on the side. I added in a granola bar (homemade) for her snack. I love all of the picks that people add to their kids lunches, but I haven't ordered any yet. I cut these ghosts out of a milk carton to add to her lunches.

Lastly, I had picked up a package of halloween rings from the dollar store. Because they're so cheap, the ring back pop off, which makes them super easy to add to lunches! They snap back on so that the kids can wear them too. I cut Claire's sandwich out in a circle and added a spider for decoration. Then she had a clementine, some strawberries, and some goldfish crackers.

All these lunches are packed in my EasyLunchboxes containers, which I just love. Everything that I send for Claire fits in this one container. It just makes it so easy! (This is not a sponsored post, I just love their product.)

Linked up with: Tatertots and Jello, Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons, Six Sisters, Skip to my Lou

Monday, October 14, 2013

fall & halloween lunches part 2

Fall and halloween lunches continue! If you missed the first round of lunches you can check them out here. We've got a short week of school this week, since it's Thanksgiving here today. Check back in later this week to see a few halloween crafts.

No special tools required for this lunch. I just cut the crusts off of Claire's sandwich (who likes the crusts anyway? Not me.) and then cut the sandwich in half, making a zig zag cut. I just used a sharp knife to do this. Candy eyes are fine, but I prefer to cut a mini marshmallow in half and stick a chocolate chip to the marshmallow. I skewered a few blueberries, added in a few grapes and an apple.

I used a pumpkin cookie cutter to shape the sandwich. I added in a few grapes and a clementine. I drew a pumpkin-esque face on the package of peaches (packed in water). I added in a few halloween smarties for a treat.

I used a ghost shaped cookie cutter to cut Claire's sandwich and added on marshmallow eyes. I gave her a clementine, some raisins, and some tortilla chips as a treat. Lastly, I drew a Frankenstein face on her applesauce container.

This one looked a little bit better in my head than it actually turned out- but alas, Claire ate the whole thing. The sandwich was supposed to be a turkey, as it's Thanksgiving here this week. I just put a foam sticker on the applesauce to make it a bit more festive.

This was my hand at making lunchables. I gave Claire some vegetable Breton crackers, a few pieces of ham, rolled and skewered on skeleton skewer and some shredded cheese. Because that's how Claire likes to eat her cheese, shredded. I put a little ranch dip in the container for the carrots and added in a few grapes.

Linked up with: Tatertots and Jello, Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons, Six Sisters, Skip to my Lou

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

fall & halloween lunches

Claire just started school this year and she is loving it. She's in French immersion and it's amazing how quickly she's picking up the language. Because we live so close to the school, I get to drop her off and pick her up every day, which means I get to see my friends everyday!

Just before Claire started school, I announced on facebook how excited I was to start packing school lunches. This caused outrage, as apparently, this in not common among my friends. I don't dare announce that I still love doing it a month into it.

For the month of October, I decided to do a month of fall & halloween themed lunches. To be honest, I'm sure Claire doesn't care what the lunches look like, but it makes it more fun for me when I set challenges like this. I am using EasyLunchboxes, which I just love. Everything that I send for Claire fits in this one container. It just makes it so easy! (This is not a sponsored post. EasyLunchboxes don't know who I am, I just love their product.)

This lunch was a Wow butter sandwich (no peanut products allowed in our school), some sliced apples, pumpkin mini donuts, and an organic cereal bar for her snack. I used my Wilton leaf cookie cutter to cut the sandwich.

When I actually include an ice pack in Claire's lunch, I like to make it count. So this lunch had some star shaped, ham sandwiches, a vanilla yogurt drink, carrots and ranch dip, and some crackers.

For some reason, Claire is obsessed with these packages of applesauce. I think that she saw someone else have them at school. Probably because she can eat them so quickly and then spend the rest of her time playing. This was a sandwich cut into the shape of a pumpkin, a clementine, some chocolate goldfish crackers and an applesauce.

For this lunch I cut the sandwich into a circle. Then I used a Wilton cupcake topper for decoration on top of the sandwich. I skewered a few grapes onto the skeleton picks that I found at Target. I packed a clementine, and some oatmeal spice muffins for her snack.

Linked up with: Tatertots and Jello, Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons, Six Sisters, Skip to my Lou
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